The potentials and limitations of tree plantings as a climate solution
Climate Feedback, June 2020
Article Reviews
Article by The Daily Caller oversimplifies drivers of wildfires and downplays role of climate change
Climate Feedback, September 2020
Article by CNN exaggerates study’s implications for future Greenland ice loss with “point of no return” claim
Climate Feedback, August 2020
Article by Michael Shellenberger mixes accurate and inaccurate claims in support of a misleading and overly simplistic argumentation about climate change
Climate Feedback, June 2020
Article in The Guardian misleads readers about sensitivity of climate models by narrowly focusing on single study
Climate Feedback, June 2020
Video from PragerU makes several incorrect and misleading claims about climate change
Climate Feedback, May 2020
Article in Business Insider accurately describes results from a study estimating up to 3 billion people could live in much warmer temperatures by 2070
Climate Feedback, May 2020
Select Claim Reviews
The Earth is a sphere that rotates on its axis and revolves around the Sun, contrary to Flat Earth video
Climate Feedback, November 2020
Brush rake attachments are primarily used to pile up heavy forest debris as part of active thinning, harvesting, and removal projects
Climate Feedback, November 2020
Climate change can make it harder for the Amazon rainforest to grow back from deforestation, but that does not mean 40% of it will now turn into a savanna
Climate Feedback, October 2020
Greenhouse gases cause global warming by trapping infra-red radiations, not by “causing more holes in the ozone layer”
Climate Feedback, July 2020
Climate scientists agree that human-caused greenhouse gas emissions are primarily responsible for climate change, contrary to claims in Clear Energy Alliance video
Climate Feedback, June 2020
Low solar activity has little effect on Earth’s climate, contrary to claim in The Sun
Climate Feedback, May 2020
The global polar bear population is threatened by loss of sea ice, contrary to PragerU’s video claim
Climate Feedback, May 2020
Diesel cars are a major source of NO2 emissions in European cities, contrary to online claim
Climate Feedback, May 2020
Scientists observe most widespread bleaching event ever recorded at The Great Barrier Reef
Climate Feedback, April 2020
Deforestation can facilitate the emergence and spread of some infectious diseases
Climate Feedback, April 2020
CO2 can increase plant growth in greenhouses while also negatively affecting ecosystems and human societies
Climate Feedback, March 2020
Sea levels rose faster in the past century than in previous time periods
Climate Feedback, March 2020